disturbing facts about otters

For starters, male sea otters have been known to assault and even kill seal pups. Email: [emailprotected]. Phone: +381 69 283 48 42 The otter has a lithe and slender body with short legs, a strong neck, and a long flattened tail that helps propel the animal gracefully through water. Without sea otters, the urchin population booms and destroys the kelp forest habitat. In the Aborigine language, the word "koala" actually means no water. Something went wrong. This high demand leaves otter mothers depleted, and many die from minor illnesses. In 2014, a study of giant otters found that the river-dwellers have 22 distinct noises they make for different situations. One of the most efficient ways to reach a wide audience is through virtual resources such as webinars or interactive quizzes. Otters have long been celebrated for their playful nature and captivating appearance, but as this article has revealed, they have a darker side that is often overlooked. They gorge on more than 100 different prey species. There are so many cool facts about otters that it's no small wonder they've become a bit of an internet sensation. Most otters have sharp claws at the end of each toe, which helps them to grab prey. Sometimes, they will also force the females head underwater. Otters are highly active creatures, and their meat-based diet gives them energy for all sorts of mischief. Their diets are primarily carnivorous, but at times can be omnivorous (1). This semiaquatic mammal has the weight of 11 to 30.9 lb or 5 to 14 kilograms. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Hairy-nosed Otter, 2015, doi:10.2305/iucn.uk.2015-2.rlts.t12421a21936999.en. Otters have been around for at least 5 million years. Today you will find out some history facts that you may not have heard of before, and they come with a twist, as Redditor Doyouareisstupid asked, "What is the weirdest/most disturbing fact about our world's history that you know?" It's a perfect read for the spooky season we are now in because people have knowledge about some . This adds an additional layer of complexity to the already challenging task of maintaining balanced ecosystems. Being at the top of the food chain causes pollutants to become concentrated in their bodies, leading to illness and death. Yes, as they build their dens, they can cause significant changes to their environment. She wraps the pup with kelp to anchor it while she hunts. Although they do drink some water, koalas aren't highly dependent on this resource. People love otters. For example, the United States has The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 which protects the from any type of hunting or trapping. Otters have bodies that are long and slim, and have short limbs. "River Otters Take Party Pooping to A New Level." To be fair, the vast majority 77 percent of the attacks the researchers analyzed involved North American river otters, and none appear to have involved sea otters. Although river otters are primarily responsible for these attacks (80%), sea otters can be just as dangerous incidents are more infrequent. Stephens, Tim. Their droppings are known as spraints and can be identified by an odour that is said to range from musky mown hay to jasmine tea to rotting fish. The forceful mating practices of otters also have implications for conservation efforts. The latter is the most common term for a group of otters on land. This cooperative behavior allows multiple individuals to share a territory and work together to maximize their chances of survival. This is quite a unique adaptation because smelling things underwater for most mammals can only result in inhaling water, which puts them at risk of drowning. It may be tempting to try and pet the cute andfriendly otter, but one wrong move and you will be hurt. Therefore, they are big on tools and will often use rocks to help crack into dinner. Otters may emigrate to find food in that case. The sea otter is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List, pressured by pollution, pesticides, and conflicts with fishermen who kill them for eating their fish. Furthermore, their presence in an ecosystem can indicate a healthy and balanced environment, which can have positive implications for fishing and other industries. UC Santa Cruz, 2014. They rape baby seals and hold each others pups hostage for food. Groenendijk, J., et al. They are the Asian small-clawed otter, African clawless otter, and Congo clawless otter. If a male is too aggressive during the mate (which he usually is), the female will drown below the surface. Many species of river and sea otters are . 5, 2020, p. 200141., doi:10.1098/rsos.200141. Yes, they live in intricate social structures, with a distinct hierarchy that dictates their interactions. But maybe the most disturbing fact about otters is that they are known to "mate" with deceased animals. 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All otters are expert hunters that eat fish, crustaceans, and other critters. Langley, Liz. They tuck prey into pockets of loose skin under their arms and use rocks as tools to open shellfish. "Why are otters playful?" They have long, narrow bodies, with long tails and short legs. There they exchange information via chemical cues in feces. River otters as a whole look quite similar to weasels. Yes, the phenomenon of otters holding hands is completely true. Rock juggling doesn't improve hunting skills or efficient extraction of meat from shells. They generally forage in the water, but they can also hunt on land. Yes, they have natural predators such as large birds of prey, alligators, and crocodiles. Additionally, education and awareness programs can play a role in preventing these conflicts. They also love to play. Only the North American River Otter has been classified as having a stable population . They live in intricate social structures, with a distinct hierarchy that dictates their interactions. In . This may sound disturbing, but is successful. Legend has it they save human lives on occasion: But there comes a point at which rational people have to put adorable hijinks aside and recognize otters for what they are: disease-ridden, murderous, necrophilic aqua-weasels whose treachery knows few bounds. Curious to learn more? "Asian Short-Clawed Otter." Fruit Fly Swarms Are Really Just Massive Orgies The sea otter must consume between 25 and 40 percent of its body weight daily, just to keep warm. Source: Scientific Reasons for B.S Things Our Bodies Do. Sea otters are the exception, giving birth in the water. However, this behavior can also result in conflicts with rival males and female otters, further highlighting the complexities of otter social structures. The barbs on each hair strand hold in place the air bubbles that the otters blow into their pelts while groomingwhich they can spend up to five hours doing each day. Diving into the Science! Otters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night. Sea otters are members of the family Mustelidae which includes other animals like badgers and weasels. Although they may be adorable and hold hands while traveling, dont forget how distressing and evil otters are. During mating, male otters hold onto the female and bite her nose, sometimes even hard enough that blood starts gushing out and causes deep wounds. The history of book bansand their changing targetsin the U.S. These efforts include re-introduction programs aimed at bringing them back to their native habitats and increasing their numbers in the wild. Average Life Span In The Wild: 8 to 9 years. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. By understanding the less endearing aspects of otter behavior, we can better appreciate the full spectrum of their existence and develop more effective conservation strategies. In such cases, medical attention is necessary to prevent infection and ensure proper wound healing. Otters - in particular, the sea variety - need to consume huge amounts of food to keep active. Scientists hypothesize that these seemingly counterproductive mating habits might be the result of a population imbalance. Interestingly, male otters have also been observed engaging in polygamous behavior, mating with multiple females during the breeding season. The other 12 otter species were recently identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as having decreasing populations, and five otter species are already on the endangered list. Sometimes river otters will travel between 10 and 18 miles (16 and 29 km) in search of food. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Most are small, with short ears and noses, elongated bodies, long tails, and. For example, the introduction of non-native otters to a region can lead to a decline in local fish populations, causing an imbalance in the food chain. Once in the water, the sea otter gripped the harbor seals head with its forepaws and repeatedly bit it on the nose, causing a deep laceration. Related Article:Giant Otters Used to Be Fearsome Hunters in Ancient China. When he's not writing or reading, Aleksandar can be found exploring the great outdoors with his trusty dog as a companion. 2023 NatureWorldNews.com All rights reserved. The male forced the pup under water as if trying to drown it. You bet they do! The overall effect isn't that large, but every bit helps, and otters deserve some credit for chipping in. Weve mentioned above that otters will try to mate not only with other otters but also with members of entirely different species, even if the other party is unwilling. They juggle rocks. Otters sometimes take up residence in abandoned beaver lodges or muskrat dens. Males, in particular, are known to take a female otters food by threatening to kill her baby. At Vox, we believe that everyone deserves access to information that helps them understand and shape the world they live in. otter, (subfamily Lutrinae), any of 13 species of semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family (Mustelidae) and are noted for their playful behaviour. Boyle, Steve. Numerous threats to otters exist and primarily include pollution, habitat destruction, overfishing, and poaching. In the past, observers have usually set up telescopes on shore to try and monitor otters at sea. Or a family or a raft. It was thought that otters helped keep water purified by. Baby ones raised in captivity squeak when introduced to water for the first time. Over the course of a rough winter, he meticulously documented many species, and while some have since gone extinct (like a sea-cow he described that was hunted into extinction), the adorable otter was among his initial discoveries. Facts about River Otters talk about an animal, which can be found on the coasts or waterways of North America. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, edited by John H. Steele, Second Edition, 2008, pp. Here's Harris again: Copulation normally occurs in the water where the male sea otter will approach the female from behind, grip her around the chest with his forepaws, and grasp her nose or the side of her face with his teeth.Facial biting by the male commonly results in the development of skin and soft tissue lacerations of the female's nose and face that can occasionally be fatal.The problem is worse for females, of course, but younger males often mimic mating behavior with each other, which can cause similar injuries. These efforts are necessary so that we can ensure this species can continue to flourish despite outside threats they face due to over-harvesting and human interference. They mark their territory with scent glands located near their tails, communicating ownership and boundaries to other otters. Now, just because an animal is a carnivore doesnt mean its evil, right? River otters are not currently threatened, and are pervasive in Canada and the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coastal areas in the US. They can also be harmed by entanglement with ghost nets and other rogue fishing gear. Thats why organizations like the Wildlife Conservation Society and other educators are raising awareness about otters and how threats like climate change, illegal hunting, pollution, commercial fishing, the over-development of coastal areas, and waterway runoff are impacting wild populations. Their construction activities can lead to the erosion of riverbanks, the destruction of vegetation, and the alteration of water flow in the surrounding area. His passion for wildlife stems from a childhood spent in the countryside, where he developed a deep fascination with the behaviors of wild animals. 2 hours of sleep? 241244. A property owner or the owner's immediate family, employee, or tenant may kill or trap a river otter on that property if it is damaging crops or domestic animals (RCW 77.36.030). Forced sex. Mothers groom pups and blow air into the clean coat to create buoyancy. However, if these individuals exhibit aggressive mating behavior, it can lead to harm or even death of the existing population and further threaten the species survival. "Weird and Fascinating Ways Animals Use Poop." These adorable aquatic mammals are clever, chatty, and oddly aromatic. The otters, which need to consume 25 percent to 35 percent of their body weight every day in order to maintain their metabolism and keep themselves warm in the cool waters, are divided into three "dietary guilds": Deep-diving otters that dine on abalone, urchins, and Dungeness crab; medium divers who subsist on clams, worms, and smaller shellfish; and those that stay in shallower waters, feeding on black snails. Asian otter species also face threats from the illegal pet trade. But the last 40 years haven't consisted of unerring progress for the sea otter. As explained by the National Wildlife Foundation's Robyn Carmichael, sea otters frequently eat sea urchins, which in turn are known for eating massive amounts of kelp, which is very good at taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Despite their innocent appearance, these animals are known for doing pretty disturbing stuff. While rare, injuries to humans caused by them can occur, particularly if they feel threatened or cornered. As we delve deeper into their behavior and life in the wild, you may be surprised to learn that these seemingly adorable animals have a darker side. Namely, they are extremely aggressive when they mate. Four different species of otter live in Central or South America, another three in South and Southeast Asia, two in sub-Saharan Africa, and one in Europe. 29 . Hefty appetites aren't unique to giant otters: All otters eat 20-33% of their body weight each day. That's right, the adorable mammals have been known to exhibit necrophilia, even with members of different species, such as baby seals. Otters can have up to one million hairs per square inch. One studyfound that kelp beds where sea otters are present soak up 12 times as much carbon dioxide as beds where they're not. Take a mental break with the newest Vox crossword, Sign up for the While rare, injuries to humans caused by them can occur, highlighting the importance of respecting these wild animals and maintaining a safe distance. Only the North American river otter is a species of least concern. In 2001, a female otter at the Monterey Bay Aquarium gave birth to a stillborn pup on the same day a stranded pup was discovered in the wild nearby. On Nov. 25, 2019, comedian . For more news, updates about sea otters and similar topics don't forget to follow Nature Wold News! The other, Mustelinae, includes badgers, weasels, and ferrets, among other similar mammals. Who buys lion bones? As a result of their rapid decline, many countries have enacted laws and regulations to protect sea otters. They get their needed water and sustenance from eating eucalyptus leaves. Unlike other weasels, otters are semi-aquatic. We accept credit card, Apple Pay, and How do otters stay warm? Compared to river otters, sea otters have an average size of 39.6-49.3 in (100.5-125.2 cm), making both the animals similar in size. Copyright 2023 NATURE WORLD NEWS All rights reserved. "Otter Species." Since 1875 a study discovered that there have been 39 cases of anecdote attacks on humans announced in newspapers, and four recorded in scientific. Sea otters, by contrast, nearly went extinct due to aggressive pelt hunting in the early part of the 20th century. River otters dont breed until theyre at least five years old. These furry creatures eat meat, such as fish, frogs, birds, and even mammals. On average, river species can live up to 8-9 years in the wild, while sea species can live up to 10-15 years. Otters can be discovered inhabiting almost every continent on Earth and these imply otter facts are applicable to all 13 species, many of which are sadly endangered because of overhunting, pandemic viruses, and habitat destruction among certain populations of the otter. A decent share of the attacking otters have been rabid; in the '90s, 46 percent of otter attacks involved rabies, and in the '00s, 24 percent did. Cassidy, Josh. What we didnt mention, though, is thatotters can infect humans with the H1N1 virus. In particular, it is well known that sea otters will, As a result, if you ever find yourself in proximity to an otter (river or sea), back off. Re-introduction attempts have been successful and have seen promising outcomes in terms of species survival, population growth, and overall improved environmental quality. This territorial marking is essential for maintaining the social hierarchy within their group and preventing conflicts with other otters. Lohan, Katrina and Karen McDonald. Also Read:Smart Animals: Sea Otters Used Tools Even Before Dolphins and Humans Did, Study Says. Sometimes, they will also force the females head underwater. How Stuff Works. They eat up to 9 pounds of food in a day and their sharp teeth and powerful tail let them swim fast when they are hunting and can even confront caiman or other enormous, Giant river otters hunt in a group of nine and hunt together, and also store food, giving them the nickname "lobos de ro" or ", Smart Animals: Sea Otters Used Tools Even Before Dolphins and Humans Did, Study Says, Giant Otters Used to Be Fearsome Hunters in Ancient China, Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Large Hail Threaten 15 Million Residents in Texas, Antarctica During Dinosaur Era Ravaged by Frequent Forest Fires [Study], Air Pollution Kills 1200 Children Yearly, European Study Says, $20k Reward Money Up For Finding Boat Operator Who Drove Over California Sea Lions in the Columbia River, Virtual Reality Reduces the Use of Sedatives During Surgery. Otters are often elusive, with large ranges and nocturnal behaviour making spotting them a rare and wonderful experience. Hairy-nosed otters are an endangered species found in Asia. Otters survive by hunting, and as such they live in unpolluted waters. Within their social groups, otters exhibit a behavior known as alloparenting, where individuals other than the parents help raise the young. You can also contribute via. With their furry faces and charming personalities, they have captured the hearts of many. If weve learned anything until this point, otters are eviler than they seem. However, otters may take their diet a bit too far because. As the world becomes more and more polluted otter populations become more and more at risk. Thirteen otter species slide down riverbanks, juggle rocks, and float on their backs in watersheds on five continents. Sea otters live exclusively in the ocean along coastlines. If you thought that otters, like beavers, eat a plant-based diet, you are mistaken. This may not surprise those who know the animal well, but its important to note that otters are carnivores. 2. Generally the tail will make up about one third of the body. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. They also take over the riverbank dens of foxes, badgers, and rabbits. They eat up to 9 pounds of food in a day and their sharp teeth and powerful tail let them swim fast when they are hunting and can even confront caiman or other enormousAmazon creatures if the need arises. 12 Cool Animals That Crawl (Crawl Speed & Pictures), What Eats Leopards (Top 5 Leopard Predators), Are Lions Smart? Only one otter species seems to be thriving, and that's the North American River Otter. A sea otter will float on its back, place a rock on its chest, then smash the mollusk down on it until it breaks open. They like to slide off. They provide full-time care for their babies for six to eight months, until the babies can survive independently. Additionally, the disturbing behavior of mating with other species can impact conservation efforts and public perception of these animals, further highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing this behavior. As the sea otter thrust his pelvis, his penis was extruded and intromission was observed. Kerlin, Kat. Among the endangered are the sea otters along the Californian to Alaskan coasts, which are threatened by "environmental pollutants and disease agents." They can also dive up to 300 feet in search of food. Male otters, known as dogs, have been observed biting the females nose during copulation to keep her in place. Humans are the main predator of Otters due to hunting for their pelts. Their nostrils and ears close to keep water out, and waterproof fur keeps them warm. These conflicts are a sobering reminder of the brutality of the natural world and the lengths to which animals will go to protect their resources. Otters have their cubs in underground dens called holts, which they dig themselves. Occasionally an otter must grab on to a rock or some kelp to remain submerged while swimming. In Brazil's Pantanal, we get the rare opportunity to film a family of rare and elusive giant otters. Advertisement. Otters sometimes rape baby seals. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Giant River Otters Live Up to Their Name, 6. As a result, if you ever find yourself in proximity to an otter (river or sea), back off. They are carnivores with a diet that includes a wide range of marine animals. Asian Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus) - Native to South China and India, and Southeast . A trapping license and open season are required to trap river otters. They communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, including whistles, growls, and chirps. They then leave droppings called spraints, which refer to a single bowel evacuation and that researchers describe as smelling like violets. If your brainstem (the part of the brain that mediates most motor control for all of the body) is damaged, you can get "locked-in" syndrome. Resting spots, called hovers or couches, are usually little more than a bed of reeds. All rights reserved. If a sea otter's fur becomes dirty, it has trouble absorbing the air needed to keep it warm. Sea Otters Eat 25 Percent of Their Body Weight Every Day. This law is enforced by the U.S. International Otter Survival Fund. River otters have webbing between their toes to aid them as well. In Alaska's Aleutian Islands, the species has seen a marked decline since the 1980s. Every animal on Earth (including humans) has learned to adapt to its environment, which means sometimes having to make difficult (or gross) choices to survive. However, there are three species of otter that have blunt claws or none at all. Prey shortages are very damaging due to high caloric needs. As a wildlife enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for the natural world, Aleksandar is the man behind the scenes and, together with Kristina, has co-founded Wild Explained. They are not "wonderful animals," as Ms. Deschanel would have you believe. They can act as carriers of various parasites and pathogens, highlighting the potential risks associated with close interactions between humans and wildlife. The act sometimes involves the male grabbing the female's head underwater and as the two turns and wriggle under the surface. According to the Smithsonian, these mammals are the world's newest carriers of H1N1, the flu strain that lead to a human pandemic back in 2009. Excellent and lithe swimmers, the young are in the water by 10 weeks of age. Volunteer as an otter spotter or water monitor. KQED. Hairy-Nosed Otters Are a Lazarus Species, 9. Sea otters nearly went extinct in the early 1900s because of the fur trade. To prevent injuries caused by otters, it is important to avoid approaching them or their dens, particularly during breeding season when they may be more aggressive. Yes, they can act as carriers for various parasites and pathogens, some of which can potentially infect other animals or even humans. But with their numbers hovering around just a few thousand, researchers have kept a close eye on the population and their studies have revealed an interesting social structure. In many places, it is illegal to keep them as pets due to their protected status and potential danger to humans. In addition to their unexpected ferocity when defending their territory, they also exhibit unique territorial behavior. Giant otters grow to as long as 6 feet and weigh as much as 75 pounds. These holts can be found along riverbanks, among tree roots, under branches, brush, or boulders. European otters must eat 15% of their body weight each day, and sea otters 20 to 25%, depending on the temperature. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Forceful mating practices are a disturbing aspect of otter behavior that highlights the darker side of their seemingly innocent and playful appearance. Among the most notable calls: a "hum gradation" used to tell otters to change directions and a "Hah!" This suggests that the otters must first satisfy their nutritional needs before engaging in playful behaviors. Indeed, trauma is the norm from sea otter mating, not the exception. Their small heads widen to long necks and shoulders, and they have flattened, well-muscled tails. Therefore, sea otters are obsessive about keeping their fur clean, and groom themselves . A varied diet It's no surprise that otters love fish, but they're also partial to amphibians, turtles and crayfish. But few species are violent in quite as disturbing a way as the otter. They eat mostly aquatic organisms such as frogs, fish, turtles, insects, and some small mammals. As natural predators of fish, otters can consume significant quantities of fish, causing a decline in available stocks and potential economic losses for local communities. Otters love to eat shelled animals, like clams, but they aren't equipped with the strength to open their food without some help. From their aggressive behavior to their complex social structures and potential impacts on ecosystems, these fascinating creatures demonstrate that the natural world is full of surprises, both delightful and disturbing. Weve mentioned these species worst behaviors, but did you know that there have been numerous reports of otters harming humans that they come in contact with? Additionally, they can host parasites such as lungworms, which can infect domestic dogs and lead to respiratory issues. This ancient marvel rivaled Romes intricate network of roads, For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine, Radioactive dogs? Unfortunately, it gets worse. These power struggles can lead to violent confrontations, further demonstrating the darker aspects of otter society. . Sea otters murder even when it doesn't provide them with food or offspring, like straight-up sociopathic spree killers. sea otters, Disturbing facts. While these modifications are essential for otter survival, they can have negative consequences for other species that rely on the same habitat. 194-201., doi:10.1016/B978-012374473-9.00434-3. River otters live primarily in freshwater, though they do swim and hunt in seawater. Concealed beneath those button noses and fluffy fur lies a creature with some really frightening mating habits. And I guess I get the appeal. ", 5. In the downtime, though, otters love to play and will often build themselves slides along the banks of rivers. Otter groups go by a few different monikers, all of which are fairly unique to that crew. They hunt for food both in the water such as fish and then also land creatures including small reptiles.

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