zuko and katara arranged marriage fanfiction lemon

He had hidden his face after it was marked by his father until he learned to wear his scar with pride. But as they sit together on this lovely afternoon. With the world struggling to find its way in these dark times, everyone knows that all it will take is one match to set the world aflame. But there is more to Azula than blue flames, broken mirrors, and deception. These spirits supposedly haunted warlords of the Fire Islands before the Fire Nation was formed. Unfortunately, her extremely sheltered upbringing cost her some critical social skills. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She's also one of the few characters we've seen able to both generate it and redirect it. "I messed up, Suki," her voice was riled with panic, "I messed up real bad. But most importantly, she would become the last Disciple of the Arts Esoteric. What kind of world will Azula find when she returns home? Zuko crossed his arms watching her resume her work on the bowl of plants. He was always training her to become Fire Lord because she was the true heir. Here the Volcano that killed Avatar Roku erupted 2 years later. (Posted: May 16, 2012, Word Count: 646), New Blurb:After weeks of flying and running, Toph is glad to be back on solid ground at the Western Air Temple. There are three people writing on Zuko's skin. Princess Azula, the ambitious and ruthless younger sister of Fire Lord Zuko, hears from a mysterious peasant woman that she will one day be Fire Lord. For more wealth, for a noble title, for the good of the family. Zuko, was a Prince. One of the most famous royal portraits in history of the leaders and representatives of the nations after the Peace Talks of Ember Island, vulgarly known as The Children on Top of The World, has currently been restored and shown in Calderas Royal History Museum this past fall and attracted thousands of visitors. Zuko and Katara have three children that they love dearly. You hear me? It's clear to Katara that Zuko has trouble interacting with children, but maybe a little visit to her brother's newborn baby will help him work through it. It is said that the Moon and the Sea are in love. If you could go back?. "Uh, Ms Kanna?" But her mother says to her at one point that she loves her -- something Azula cannot accept. One well-meaning uncle changes that. I know it's not what you expected but healing is something that may be useful. Failed dream after failed dream, it was inevitable that the siblings would eventually be forced to wake up to their brutal reality. Unfortunately, though she featured prominently in the story, Smoke and Shadow was Azula's last appearance in the franchise. Zuko asks at the kitchen table in Chief Hakoda's house when he asks, wrapped in three parkas and the tightly crocheted maroon beanie Yue shoved onto his head to keep him safe from the South Pole cold. But it was a group of mythical spirits known as Kemurikage who stole her away. Ozai clearly favored his daughter, but Azula felt her mother loved Zuko much more than her. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (29), Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar) (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (16), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar), Katara & Katara and Zuko's Children (Avatar), Sokka & Sokka and Suki's Children (Avatar), honestly just a whole lot of Soft throughout, This is like the "happily ever after of Talking to the moon", Not Canon Compliant - The Legend of Korra, Katara and Sokka snipe at each other like siblings too, seriously she was as much a victim as azula, at the end of the world, or the last thing i see, Aang & Toph Beifong & Katara & Sokka & Suki & Zuko, but they're not really the main focus lmao, you know those 5 + 1 things? Toph drops a bomb that will send both their lives into disarray. Left widowed and vulnerable after the death of her beloved husband, Fire Lady Katara, looks to protect their children from an aunt who wants to get rid of them. What if Yue had survived the spirit pond -- transformed into Tui (the moon) -- but also with her mortal form? Perhaps fans can try to recreate this character as they've done with Katara and the Painted Lady in Skyrim. But all of them first became friends at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls. The Azulinati have all become strong and capable in their own right and the weak nations of the south have banded together with Omashu to form a new world power. The blue part of fire is also widely believed to be the hottest part of the flame. Here Lu Ten meets a little Whirlpool and decides that the Fire Nation has been wrong. In Smoke and Shadow, Azula finds letters from Ursa -- one of which reveals that Zuko's true father may not be Ozai. She was just a few months short of 25 and had everyone used to her serenity and maturity but in that moment she was just like that young girl she was during the war - crumbling when no one was watching, overwhelmed and crushed under the expectations. They just so happened to be pirates themselves. The plants moved to her will, slithering like the many snake creatures Zuko had seen in the Earth Kingdom. In an interview given to a fan site in 2007, series creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko said Azula was originally going to have an arranged marriage in the third season. Work Search: When her brother dies a sudden and untimely death, Azula sees an opportunity to take the throne from his rightful heir, her niece, Crown Princess Izumi. Azula was named after her grandfather Azulon-- the ruler of the Fire Nation before her father Ozai. Most fans would argue that it relates back to Zuko's supposed heritage. After her transition, Yue returns home to her life in Republic City, and discovers the distance between herself and her niece might not be as far as she thought. Talk to father, I'll do anything, anything else. "Why are you so afraid of loving? When Toph comes to visit Zuko in the fire nation he doesn't bat an eye. Apologises for slow, if any, updates! (Zuko/Katara, eventual Zuko/Harem). Language: English Words: 36,054 Chapters: 9 /? The Northwest Colony chafes under the Fire Nations rule and the reconstituted Earth Kingdom teeters on the brink of collapse as each new regime struggles to control the weakened giant. Seven years after the war, Zuko invites the group to stay with him for the summer. Mai only finds it on their wedding night, which is the first she's even hearing about itand she's not best pleased about that. No. Toph learns to swim, Zuko wears a sarong, and danger mounts at the frozen poles. Chqun originated with the Hui people and is known for some aerial maneuvers and an overall graceful style. Many elements in both AtLA and LoK feature themes and inspirations from our real world. And though she is gone, Azula continues to cast a shadow on the world she left behind. Azula is the only bender we see to use blue fire; most other Firebenders all bend orange flames-- even powerful ones like her Uncle Iroh the "Dragon" and her great-grandfather Fire Lord Sozin. Decisions make the world we live in. Zuko and Katara spend most of the day looking for it. Fans got a hint as to what school in the Fire Nation was like in season 3 -- strict, scheduled, and usually connected to the military in some way. Even Aang was never able to master lightning-casting. But Zuko and Azula might only be half-siblings instead. (Posted: November 5, 2022, Word Count: 4432). Toph learns to swim, Zuko wears a sarong, and danger mounts at the frozen poles. Though Zuko also had some skills in deception, Azula's far exceeded his. Thank you so much! The other is not. Thank you so much! I've been getting back into reading Zutara fanfiction and I wanted to re-read this fanfic I read ages ago, but I can't remember the name of it. She is last seen in a crowd during one of Zuko's speeches with her Kemurikage-disguised group. {18+} As it turns out, Ozai couldn't have chosen a better namesake for his power-obsessed daughter. When her brother dies a sudden and untimely death, Azula sees an opportunity to take the throne from his rightful heir, her niece, Crown Princess Izumi. When Water Tribe representatives visit the Fire Nation, Zuko keeps reminding Katara she can always go home. This fic is just for funsies, a safe haven of random multishipping chaos. Work Search: This obviously tied into why she was so jealous of Ty-Lee. English version. But everyone had a weakness. One of those is that they both seem to be into mythology and local stories to some degree. RELATED:Meet The 76,000 People Who Created A Fake Ba Sing Se On Reddit. Ozai has fallen but his beating heart has infuriated leaders across the other nations. "You didn't mess up. Best of all, she can breathe fire. Please, brother, please.". "Okay, keep calm. ", "Fine," says Mai, and then, "wait. I do these requests often so follow me on tumblr (@authorjoydragon) if you want to put in a request for any ship! This is a re-write of a bad fan-fiction I wrote when I was 12 as part of a series I'm working on where I re-write everything as a test to my development as an author. Azula doesn't have the most apologetic personality, so it has to be exceedingly rare for someone to be on the receiving end of an apology from her. RELATED:Here's What Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters Would Be Like As Pokemon Gym Leaders. Fire Prince Zuko had one duty for his Uncle, and that was to diminish the number of pirate vessels that were out on the seven seas. "Katara finally looked her in the eye, her eyes glassy, her lip quivering.Suki shot her a tentative look. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Azula continues these trends with her siege on Ba Sing Se. It can also make use of many weapons -- all of whichfans see Azula do across the series. The cultures are amalgamations of Native and Asian cultures ranging from the Inuit with Katara's hair loopies to Mongolian culture to Szechuan style Chinese cuisine found in the Fire Nation. Though she genuinely likes Chan, she justabsolutely cannot be relaxed let alone vulnerable with him (or anyone). This arguably makes her one of the most powerful Firebenders of her time. It's not a surprise that as the only daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Toph Beifong would someday be offered up on the altar of matrimony. Both of these characters had incredible abilities of their own, as well. Thismakes her one of only two Earth Queens to reign in the whole history of the Earth Kingdom. Utterly selfless, kind-hearted, and b My family surrounded the small scroll in my hands. From a young age, she was capable of feats even elite benders could not easily perform. The question is why did Ursa treat Azula so differently? Katara wants to get to the bottom of why her husband thinks she feels she's not at home with him. ", "No thank you," Ms Kanna deadpans, not even looking up from the arctic hen she's currently hacking to pieces. Others theorize her ability to summon lightning might have something to do with it. His own sister, Azula, and her friends Mai and Ty Lee have already fallen to the Fire lord and become his property. Shes regarded as Lady and Master, she has helped rebuild the world and turn the tides in traditions and views all around. The old lady has a way with knives that would put even Mai to shame. Yue knows her duty to her people, and has her own plans for one of the prisoners. Here the war ends early, with the fire nation cemented as the dominant power in the world. "I'm not telling you her name," he says flatly, "you'll be weird about it, and she might even figure it out from that. Ozai always pitted Zuko and Azula against each other for his love and affection (if we can call it that). Angelo circled Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become e Before We Burned - Book One| [Currently Bein Book One Of The Untold Truths Series. She has her mental break as Ozai goes off to fight Aang, and is not really seen again. Her obsession with power and her passion for world domination empower her tosteal every scene she's in. She may not have a fanbase as large as characters like Zuko, Sokka, Toph, or Iroh. There is no set update schedule. Zuko grows up in a hostile nation. Toph is got in to arrange marriage that she doesn't want to be in to. Azula was highly skilled in Firebending, studying harder than any of her peers. "Zuko, please, do something. But, after years of PTSD and gaslighting from Ozai, Azula still cannot accept this. Azula charted a lot of firsts on Avatar. Katara, was a Chiefs daughter in the Southern Water Tribe. A different time where Zuko is Fire Lord, isn't scarred, and is a very different man. They both hadn't seen each other since the war and even longer as everyone settled down to start their lives. This would make Azula the true heir to the throne of Fire Lord. Azula is very difficult to defeat in single combat due to her excellent Firebending and hand-to-hand combat skills, agility, cunning, and intelligence. In the three years since her disappearance, Azula has come to be acclaimed as the Peoples Princess by the masses as the world slowly sinks into chaos. Zuko was thunderstruck by the visage of Katara, who was sitting with her legs bent below on lines her, on the steps of some sort of special, important, ceremonial looking alter. The Northwest Colony chafes under the Fire Nation's rule and the reconstituted Earth Kingdom teeters on the brink of collapse as each new regime struggles to control the weakened giant. The one perk is that she makes some new friends while at this facility. Azula may, in fact, be the daughter of Ozai while Zuko is Ursa's true love's offspring. fanfiction focused on the friendship between Zuko and Toph with small references to a possible romantic approach in the future. Her obvious intelligence and cunning coupled with her sadistic, sociopathic tendencies and descent into madness make her easily one of the most layered and complex characters on Avatar. I post chapters as I finish them. "Zuko!" his mother shouted from somewhere behind . Both of them would fondly recall reenacting the final duel of the play Love Amongst the Dragonsduring their frequent vacations at Ember Island. It depicts, from left to right, Fire Lord Zuko (17), (early title) Earth Princess Toph Beifong (13), Earth King Kuei (19), Northern Water Tribe Chieftess Yue (17), (early title) Southern Water Tribe Acting Chief Sokka (15), and seated front center, Master Waterbender Katara (16) and Avatar Aang, Last Master Airbender (13) The Highly Popular Restored Paintings from the Golden Age Exhibition, HBC. Fleeing into the Earth Kingdom under the protection of seven fearsome, female warriors, Princess Izumi settles in an abandoned shrine and trains for the day she can retake the throne from her usurping aunt. Believe it or not, Azula and Zuko's childhood was mostly peaceful in the early days. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, Katara decides that the Ember Island Players had the right idea, and propositions Zuko. It's likely that Azula's unique blue color is meant to denote her mastery in Firebending. Azula is a complex, conflicted character that many Avatar fans have come to empathize with. Zuko watched, horrified, as he realised his father and uncle were fighting for real. In every world but one, Ozais prodigal daughter wielded her blue fire with skill and cunning. @WickedStich asked for continuation, Zuko and Toph come up with a plan to save the both of them. Katara failed to stop herself from tensing up, an oppressive silence weighing over them. After a long tenuous series of events, Katara and Zuko want to enjoy their honeymoon peacefully. A different time where Zuko is Fire Lord, isn't scarred, and is a very different man. He did a great job at it too. I am going to gather my many prompts from tumblr to post here mainly just to have them all in one place LOL. Though Kiyi fully accepted Zuko as her family, she became the target of the New Ozai Society -- a fanatical group loyal to Ozai. what if aang didn' katara and zuko's mothers were best friends, and they grew up together. But in this one singular world, Princess Azula was born without her flame. This academy was specifically for nobility and had a penchant for "accidental" deaths in Agni Kai showdowns. SUM: Zuko calls Toph out on a habit. And Zuko is force to have new Firelady and heir. The Siege of the North has failed. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Join Yue and Zuko on their collision course. Scarred by his own father, abandoned by his mother, and now forced to look to the North Pole to meet his future bride, Princess Yue of the Water Tribe. Though the Fire Nation siblings vary in their abilities, predilections, and personalities, they have a few things in common. It's gonna take him a while. While Ozai is, without question, the biggest, baddest evil in Avatar, he never shows much depth besides being a cackling embodiment of evil (voiced to perfection by Mark Hamill). Also, I'm sorry for typos or tenses going from past to present, I do not care enough to proofread this.). Her depth of control over her emotions and physical body allowed her to circumvent even Toph's prowess. It may be too late when she realizes the risk she took that night will affect not only her life and her tribes destiny, but the entire worlds fate. It was an arranged marriage fic where there was a massive language barrier between Zuko and Katara. But Azula consistently ranks as the most popular villain in the series. Book 1 of the Azula UnkindledVerse will follow Azulas journey from a child to the arrival of the Avatar. It probably has something to do with the fact that she's a compelling character. What if she saved him, however unwilling he was? But now Zuko hungers for more than just power, he wants women, and this world certainly doesn't have a shortage of potential brides.Zuko will succeed where his predecessors failed and bring this world under his heel, in the most pleasurable ways possible. She gets some of the series' best lines, most memorable fights, and always seems to be one step ahead of our heroes. Though she would definitely benefit from some psychotherapy and maybe some anti-anxiety or anti-psychotic meds, it's unclear just what kind of treatment she receives (if any). well i did a. As they grew older, the siblings grew apart, but not just in the "normal" way. Ikem and Ursa's story did not stop with Zuko's supposed parentage though. Katara is metaphorically the moon and the love of Fire Lord Zuko's life. It was practically rule number one for demigods, the gods were The Rich Man and His Fire Dancer Updated on April 30th, 2021, by Juliet Childers:Azula is one of the most complex characters in the entire history of the Avatar series -- including Legend of Korra. He helped Ursa get a new face and she lived as Noriko with Noren. She stared blankly ahead for a second, then turned to face Zuko. She often attempted to break up their mother/son bonding in the only way she knew how: through intimidation and petty squabbles. Over a decade has passed since the end of the hundred year war. She still seems to be her controlling, brusque, and ruthless self. She goes so far as to say that she wishes she had been a better mother to Azula. Does anyone know the name of this fic or if it's even still available. She's shown to fight for long periods of time without tiring. But one of the loose threads is Azula's fate. She has nothing, and no one, and shes tired of fighting. But you may well have gone that way had you not found Mistress Corvylyn. In particular, he's remembered for increasing the efficiency of the Fire Nation war machine and leading several successful campaigns against the Earth Kingdom, resulting in massive territorial conquests. Azula's fire burns hotter than most, symbolizing the power she socraves. That's something not even her Uncle Iroh could achieve. Will young love stand the tests of time, war, and fate? In the three years since her disappearance, Azula has come to be acclaimed as the People's Princess by the masses as the world slowly sinks into chaos. In the graphic novels, Azuladoes not really reconcile with Ursa. Tales of their eternal dance, push and pull, ceaselessly moving the world and gifting waterbending to their chosen ones among the Water Tribes that venerate them. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (26), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Azula (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Azulinati - Because Azula Deserves a Crew, the Fire Nation lost the Siege of the North, Lu ten has a massive weak spot for children thank the spirits, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, background relevance just tagging for Izumi's sake, Alternate Universe - Modern with Bending (Avatar), Episode: s01e19-20 The Siege of the North (Last Airbender), or at least some discussion and/or depictions of it, Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), Azula (Avatar)/Original Male Character(s). Zuko goes to their room to check on Katara, who had morning sickness earlier. The Fire Nation has been defeated but peace seems like a far-off dream complicated by the need for reparations, rebuilding, and four nations divided by lack of trust. (This is me dealing with writer's block and projecting any creative energy into a brand new story I don't have time for. And what will happen when the Fire Nation attacks? Instead of sending a freshly burned Zuko to search for the Avatar, Fire Lord Ozai elects to send him to the Northern Water Tribe as a political hostage. please enjoy! Each and every one of Zukos were his partners. ""What's wrong, girl?" But now Zuko hungers for more than just power, he wants women, and this world certainly doesn't have a shortage of potential brides.Zuko will succeed where his predecessors failed and bring this world under his heel, in the most pleasurable ways possible. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. His own sister, Azula, and her friends Mai and Ty Lee have already fallen to the Fire lord and become his property. They had to. Another fan-favorite character, Toph had a special ability even among Earthbenders. Her father is dead, shes been imprisoned, and her brother is securely on the throne. [Zuko and Suki make a surprise visit to the South Pole to visit Sokka and Yue, and end up cooking with Gran Gran]. I wasnt aware that we had an issue that we needed to talk about. She lied, forcing her voice to remain steady. Zuko infamously impersonates the Blue Spirit while Azula dons the disguise as the Kemurikage in the Smoke and Shadow novels. Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Yue and Zuko are living all together.How do they spend their free time?Join each couple of this polycule and see crafting, kisses, cooking and just hanging out. Understanding dawns on Kataras face and she carefully shuffles out from underneath the sheets, swinging her legs off the bed so that her feet make a soft thump on the carpeted floor. Luckily, Katara is always there to keep him steady. She had flaunted her blind eyes when facing opponents, but turns away when talking to friends. The Bei Fongs had to have insurance in this war. One fan explanation is that her intense blue flame may be a side effect of her volatile personality. Seven years after the war, Zuko invites the group to stay with him for the summer. And everyone wants to know exactly how she does it. Updates will be every Monday and Thursday. This dynamic of sibling rivalry would go on to shape both Azula and Zuko's lives. Cunning, powerful and with a thirst for more. One of those is that they both seem to be into mythology and local stories to some degree. She was even capable of lightning generation, one of the rarest forms of Firebending and a form considered to be unteachable. Azula, on the other hand, seethes with a fiery personality and develops into a dynamic character over time. ; or the gang tries to find peace and heal in a postwar world. Fortunately, she did not go as far as Azulondid with the destruction of the Southern Water Tribe and the genocide of Waterbenders. A slightly more realistic Zuko realizes what it means when Zhao tries to have him blown up and it changes his path completely. Apparently, to every coucilor and advisor and noble in the Fire Nation, that seems the right age to marry. If they were human, Lo Ansi would have deemed them the ideal soulmates, and quite surely, tied them together with the silken thread of Destiny. Without question, Ursa's treatment of Azula irrevocably damaged her. We had our tongues in each others mouths not too long ago. "Tumblr prompt submitted and written on AO3. Shes content to be left alone to rot in her cell, wallowing in her misery. After all, she was only a child. In a reality where Ozai manages to turn the war to his side and take hold of the world under his ruling, Zuko and Azula are sent to the water tribes as a way to keep them accounted for. I couldn't believe I actually entered this stupi what if zuko never left the fire nation and becomes the heir to the fire nation? Sokka and Zuko are soulmates, able to 'visit' each other through the Spirit World. You mean she doesn't know?!". AKA Toph makes a marriage pact with Zuko and feels proud of her negotiating skills. **this is the first draft -- will edit at a later date and might change to past tense because no one likes present tense except for writers**, This fic is also published on Wattpad with the same title under the name "Lunaristical" and fanfiction.net under "Lunaristical.". Over time, the legend morphed into spirits who abduct badly behaved children instead. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). The idea was ultimately scrapped. But she also seems to have really connected toa group of female Firebenders -- some of whom she liberated from similar facilities. Because this is the only one where you are unkindled., What do you mean, unkindled? The idea would make sense given Azula's royal status, and likely would have changed a lot about her character arc.

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