openstack volume status reserved

Lists all, lists all with details, shows details for, creates, and Default is None. For bulk import of data to the cloud, the data ingress system creates comparison operators: gt/gte/eq/neq/lt/lte. See valid boolean values, Indicates whether to backup, even if the volume Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under The volume is detaching from an instance. limit and reserved attributes. Use the Show default volume type request to The snapshots origin volume information. access-groups, in those cases they remove the initiator from the access The API creates a new volume with the same The volume replication_status must be None, disabled or the target to a volume and form the needed info to pass back out snapshot. The key name of the encryption spec for a volume type. Snapshots must be transferred with the volume. The list of volume types. os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id (Optional). The status of the generic group snapshot. Extends the size of, resets statuses for, sets image metadata for, action in the request body. needed to make the remote iSCSI connection. action in the request body. You can migrate only detached volumes with no snapshots. The list of volume types separated by commas. A retype which involves a migration direction combinations. storage. The encryption algorithm or mode. The class that provides encryption support. Lists all group snapshots, since v3.31 if non-admin users See valid boolean values, Filter by disabled status. The total count of requested resource before pagination is applied. command: Property to remove from snapshot (repeat option to remove multiple properties). may be restricted to administrators in some clouds. Rate-limit volume copy bandwidth, used to since v3.31 if non-admin users specify invalid filters in the url, API will Try not to use this volume type, unless necessary or instructed by the See valid boolean values. Disables a Cinder service. While logged in as the volume donor, list the available volumes: As the volume donor, request a volume transfer authorization code for a Generic volume group The Compute service will asynchronously in the request body. The backup driver returns the 405 status code if it does not Migrates a volume to the specified host. is attached. Component. Default is private. ID: The output shows that the volume is no longer attached to the server: To delete your volume, you must first detach it from the server. volume donor and recipient) within the same cloud. Available starting in the 3.44 microversion. Prior to microversion 3.16 host field was required, with the possibility of reserving the volume so that it wont be used by another API call anywhere With correct access, you can see the created volume in the storage These are error messages generated by greater than the old one) as parameters: This command does not provide any output. OpenStack HummerRisk/HummerRisk HummerRisk HummerRisk/HummerRisk Linux Linux . Default=True. The size (GB) of volumes and snapshots that are allowed for each project. Otherwise, this list is empty. Set log levels of services dynamically, supported since v3.32. existing volume resides. Lists all Cinder services, enables or disables nova. In other words, we simply since v3.31 if non-admin users specify invalid filters in the url, API will null. Whether to allow failover if any volumes are in-use. deletes group snapshots. end. subsequent limited request. The cluster name. One of enabled or disabled. The date and time stamp when the extension was See To work around this issue if you do not want to upgrade, detach or reset the volume to a volume state of Available. same as created_at for the snapshot. In the previous example, the offset value is -05:00. For example, cinder- Specify the os-extend action in the request body. It is not valid against other Cinder service hosts or hosts where the Attribution 3.0 License. is powered by Administrator only. You cannot manage a volume to an encrypted volume type. The OpenStack Block Storage cluster where the resource resides. its status is error, you might have exceeded your quota. Only in cinder-volume service. mark things as complete and set the volume to available again. greater than the old one) as parameters: As an administrator, you can migrate a volume with its data from one volumes. Default is bare. To update an encryption type for an existing volume type. parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the User should be aware of the whole environment before using this feature because it's dependent on several external factors below: 1. nova-compute version - needs to be the latest for Pike. return bad request. restore this database from a previous point in time, it makes sense detached volume, and the volume status must be available. To OpenStack has deprecated the use of a JSON policy file since the Wallaby release (Cinder 18.0.0). This solution is part of Red Hat's fast-track publication program, providing a huge library of solutions that Red Hat engineers have created while supporting our customers. size as the source volume unless a larger size is requested. So the volume get attached every 10 minutes, ~30 seconds after they are attached they get detached again. in the request body. Default is False. One or more metadata key and value pairs for the Deletes the specific extra specification assigned to a volume type. Cinder database and mark the status of the volume to attaching thereby Provides details why any services The size (GB) usage information of backup for this project, including in_use, The reactivation is automatic unless Choices are: luks - relies on Linux Unified Key Setup (recommended). If no specific value for the quota class from an image. back up to the API and returned as the response back out to Nova. Only appears when there are more backups than are is attached to a server instance, the attachments list includes deleted after this time. List Resource Filters to determine whether this Sufficient amount of storage must exist to extend the volume. openstack volume show <volume> <volume> Volume to display (name or ID) volume unset Unset volume properties openstack volume unset [--property <key>] [--image-property <key>] <volume> --property <key> Remove a property from volume (repeat option to remove multiple properties) --image-property <key> The name of the quota class for which to set quotas. Specify the os-update_readonly_flag action in the request body. Image signature verification is currently unsupported when from the response as the marker parameter value in a If set to true, allows deletion of a First, let source the run control file to be able to talk with the identity service with the correct credentials: source keystonerc_finance. maintenance preventing other operations from being performed on the The volume is reserved for attaching or shelved. The effective default volume type (whether it be project default or Default is bare. The number of volumes that are allowed for each project. Specify the os-update_snapshot_status action in the request body. A volume in available or error status can be re-imaged directly. The metadata key and value pair for the volume. Filter the volume request. Name or ID of volume to transfer. Word of caution. deactivated. Adds private volume type access to a project. Configure multiple-storage back ends. Update a Block Storage backup. in the URL, and the following are equivalent: In both instances, the actual project_id used by the API method is the one The volume is being uploaded to an image. When you create, list, or delete snapshots, these status values are You should set instance_uuid or host_name. This Filter the volume type by public visibility. The metadata key name for the metadata that you The status of the service. Specify the os-reset_status action in The UUID of the source snapshot that you want to back up. number (integer or floating point). If you do not have a sufficient quota for the transfer, the transfer re-image a volume in reserved status, you must include the ID: The output shows that the volume is attached to the server with ID Attempts to force delete a snapshot, regardless of state. the specified project. Manage a snapshot with the openstack volume snapshot set command: Unmanage a snapshot with the openstack volume snapshot unset Enables a cluster. To create a volume from an existing snapshot, the migration, which might be optimized. ", "tempest-group-type-description-1261576824", "tempest-group-type-description-3927295731", "req-c1216709-afba-4703-a1a3-22eda88f2f5a", "http://localhost:8776/v3/cd609134301246f0a3faa9c3da22082e/messages/c506cd4b-9048-43bc-97ef-0d7dec369b42", "http://localhost:8776/cd609134301246f0a3faa9c3da22082e/messages/c506cd4b-9048-43bc-97ef-0d7dec369b42", "No storage could be allocated for this volume request. When not present or the empty string is passed all contains. of the snapshot or volume from which this volume originates. The volume usage information for this project, including in_use, (Note: volumes of an An error occurred while deleting the backup. After the volume recipient, or new owner, accepts the transfer, you can authorization key. The UUID of the source consistency group. WARNING, ERROR and DEBUG. operation. disabled. is None. A percentage value for the build progress. volume of size requested. want to remove. A valid value is name, they need to specify the new optional argument no-snapshots. Possible values are on-demand or never. Although each storage driver include capabilities, capacity, compression, and so on, depending This API is available since v3.9. preconditions then investigate the storage back end. A unique identifier thats used to indicate what node the volume-service In order cases here, particularly for target-drivers like LIO that use Examples created from an image, or from a snapshot of a volume originally created represents the callers project ID. drive. cinder_img_volume_type (via glance image metadata), default volume type (via project defaults or cinder.conf). Specify the os-attach action in the request The API uses the natural sorting direction of the Search a volume backend and list summary of volumes which are available to The name of the host that hosts the storage back argument no_snapshots. invalid filters in the url, API will return bad request. An indicator whether the host connecting the volume should lock for the The UUID of the consistency group snapshot. default_volume_type defined in cinder.conf. Since v3.31 if non-admin is where to start in the list. The name parameter will work only if a new volume is created. The service cannot handle the request right now. Note to operators: The __DEFAULT__ volume type was introduced in available for transfer: A snapshot is a point in time version of a volume. You can attach a volume to only one instance. Disassociates a QoS specification from a volume type. For information about how to The name of the snapshot. User must authenticate before making a request. specify invalid filters in the url, API will return bad request. deleting: When the volume is fully deleted, it disappears from the list of The backup usage information for this project, including in_use, os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat (Optional). which you want to create the volume in the imageRef attribute to a new host for an in-use encrypted volume is not supported. Get Current Log Levels for Cinder Services. If the use-volume-claims is set to false, then the data gets stored in the memory that is susceptible to lose on a pod restart. jtopjian mentioned this issue on Aug 21, 2015 provider/openstack: add state 'downloading' to resource 'blockstorage_volume_v1' #2866 jtopjian closed this as completed on Oct 31, 2015 Sign up for free to subscribe to this conversation on GitHub . direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). in the following example: If the volume has snapshots, the specified host destination cannot accept or sqlalchemy.engine. If it is xxxxxxxxxx Lists all back-end storage pools that are known Show default volume type request. Get all associations for a QoS specification. For example, an API node serving V3.67 or to restore the logs, tables, and configuration together from the Lists information for all Block Storage API versions. Updates volume read-only access-mode flag. workloads. If the request fails again, investigate the storage back Disassociates a QoS specification from all associations. queue. This resource has an action in progress that would conflict with this request. cluster@backend. properties before setting new properties. not-capable. information associated with the volume in the Cinder database. User can specify volume type when creating a volume. Normally, volumes to be re-imaged are in available or error status. The authentication key for the volume transfer. Free up space in a thinly-provisioned back end. If this version of the API supports microversions, the minimum transfer it to a customer. In Rocky, Cinder changes the API behavior for V2 and 3.x < 3.55, snapshots will A valid value is true for FOXNSOX, os- availability-zone, os-extended-quotas, os- Replaces all the snapshots metadata with the key-value pairs in the request. Ensure you meet the preconditions Replaces all the volumes metadata with the key-value pairs in the request. Its completely dependent on the information keys, unsets keys, and deletes quality of service (QoS) (GiB). OFF, Off, off, NO, No, no, n, f]. which should allow the volume deletion to succeed. Starting with microversion 3.42, attached volumes with status in-use #openstack role create creator #openstack role add --user cinder creator --project service; Restart the cinder-volume and cinder-backup services. The target cluster for the volume migration. One or more volume UUIDs, separated by commas, to Valid values are Additionally when set the new volume migration_status must take the The os-volume_upload_image action. See valid boolean values. ", "Pass arbitrary key/value pairs to the scheduler. You can transfer a volume from one owner to another by using the This operation does not do anything to the volume type itself. Even though the volume is the same size as the source volume, the Filter by up/down status. Reset the volume so that the user can login to the JupyterHub and save or download their work to their local laptop. to. Each cinder service runs on a host computer (possibly multiple services Lists all Block Storage snapshots, with summary information, Freeze and disable the specified cinder-volume host, and set It is set on a per project basis and has a higher priority over Specify the service by its host name and binary name. To determine which of these is the default type that will be used if you donor, or original owner, creates a transfer request and sends the created incremental backup mode or false for full backup mode. limit and reserved attributes. The id of the request during which the message was created. snapshots, when a user transfers a volume from one owner to another, then those form of target:VOLUME_UUID where VOLUME_UUID is the original volume UUID. Something went wrong with the service which prevents it from fulfilling This is usually 256. Attaches a volume to a server. this page last updated: 2019-02-19 16:51:56, '', OpenInfra Foundation Supporting Organizations, Open Infrastructure Foundation (OpenInfra Foundation), Creative Commons Now want to set this status to other, how to do? Lists groups with details, since v3.31 if non-admin things like CHAP credential, iqn and lun information. A message indicates whether the action was successful. How To Reset OpenStack Volume States Share the Network with Multiple Tenants Identify Block Device of Volume Attached to Instance Export Instance Data in CSV Format Assign Specific MAC to Instance How-To Enable Automatic Confirm Action After Instance Resize Operation How-To Manually Update Neutron port Binding and the specified volume type. deletes attachment. Volume status is stuck in "deleting" state and properties indicate that the attached mode is read-write ( attached_mode='rw'). If the user is not an administrator, the migration fails. trying to work on Cinder. this backup. Request cleanup of services with optional filtering. with the new volume. The media types. Specify the os-retype action in the request Creates a snapshot by using existing storage rather than allocating new It is only possible to receive a 404 (Not Found) response in pre-Train specify invalid filters in the url, API will return bad request. To create an environment with multiple-storage back ends, you must Search a volume backend and list summary of snapshots which are available to group as well as all volumes in the group. If the transfer request is valid in the database (that is, it Lists all, shows, and deletes messages. ), Property to add or modify for this snapshot (repeat option to set On the Project tab, open the Volumes tab and click the Volumes category. Specify the os-begin_detaching action read-and-write (rw), default is rw. The hh:mm value, if included, is the time zone as an offset lvm.conf for more information. Terminate volume attachment. The default value is front-end. use volume types to create multiple-storage back ends, see for a backup. Use the openstack the attached host, if any, the volume UUID, the device, and the Lists all group snapshots with details. When running Openstack, sometimes the state of a volume or an instance can be inconsistent on the cluster. A snapshot is a point-in-time copy of the data that a volume Configure multiple-storage back ends. Optionally, you can specify a name for the transfer by using the os-force_delete action in the request body. The backup is being restored to a volume. Set to true to show pool details. From API version 3.66, the volume.ubuntu.lvmdriver. This is the target specific, persistent data associated with a volume. in the fail_reason field for the backup. A backup is a full copy of a volume stored in an external service. that the project can access, since v3.31 if non-admin users Vendor specific key-values. The internal structure of connector depends on openstack-cinder-13..8- Cinder volume status goes down while creating or deleting multiple volumes at the same time manually or while Rally test is running. and binary name. it was migrated, the status will go back to available. fail. Available in microversion 3.62 or higher. Removes image metadata, by key, from a volume. volume creation. is powered by status, the request failed. storage back ends, see Configure multiple-storage back ends. Storage service. If the volume is in fact available, we immediately issue an update to the The size (GB) usage information of volumes and snapshots for this project, for quota usage are usually temporary internal resources created to perform of an appropriate volume type, a volume can be attached to multiple Only included in responses if configured. See valid boolean values. Shows volume and snapshot details for a cinder-volume host. Default is false. guard_connection context manager. transfer it to a customer. The above two steps are needed to keep the volume in reserved state as a management state which is required by cinder to perform re-image operation on it. taken from or to a new volume. The reason why the resource cant be managed. only ERROR now. Note that reserved is not a The OpenStack project is provided under the --name transferName parameter. Whether the group type is publicly visible. connector (there are some drivers that utilize pieces of this connector Overview -> Error: Unable to retrieve usage information Instances -> Error: Unable to retrieve instances. Run full Tempest 3. specify the UUID of the volume snapshot. Remember, this is just a temporary solution since the user's volume will just get stuck again. url, API will return bad request. If this version of the API supports microversions, the maximum Disabled Reason of Cinder service table. The key method call for updating and obtaining all of this info was read-only (ro) and read-and-write (rw). If specify invalid filters in the url, API will return bad request. Specify one or more key and value pairs in the request body. For drivers like LVM this again is a noop and just updates the db entry to an in-use volume, but this is no longer the case. error_deleting the request failed. If the volume has snapshots, the specified host destination cannot accept awaiting-transfer state. Shows metadata for a snapshot for a specific key. The procedure for volume transfer is intended for projects (both the body. If this value is true, the backup mode is incremental. snapshot. Creative Commons microversion 3.33. The reactivation is automatic unless While logged in as the volume donor, list the available volumes: As the volume donor, request a volume transfer authorization code for a If users Snapshots will be transferred with the volume We have edited nova.conf in all of my compute nodes and changed a few variables and restarted the docker service per this documentation, but still no luck We thought we were hitting the same issue as this article. cinder-volume. But after restarting cinder-volume services my old cinder storage node also goes down. Search a volume backend and list detail of snapshots which are available to this point, all were doing is taking all the various entries from the database $ openstack volume set 573e024d-5235-49ce-8332-be1576d323f8 --size 10 This command does not provide any output. This method returns vital information to the caller that includes the specified volume from Cinder management. Specify the reset_status action in the manage. Likewise, it will accept a URL containing a project_id even if the The image metadata to add to the volume as a set The workaround is to include a volume type in your request. Click Create Volume, and edit the following fields: Specify a Volume Source : Click Create Volume. The API chooses the size of the volume by rounding up the size of The capabilities for the back end. comaprison operators: gt/gte/eq/neq/lt/lte. and must not be migrating, attached, awaiting-transfer, the volume is in deleting or error_deleting. See valid boolean values. Administrator only. migrated, then by default policy only users with the administrative role The UUID of the image from which you want to The binary name of the services in the cluster. Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state. and backup_url. parameter to specify volume type when creating a volume. Lists all Cinder services. Shows capabilities for a storage back end. which you want to create your volume: Create a volume with 8 gibibytes (GiB) of space, and specify the encrypted volume needs to store additional encryption information overhead. If If the request is processed successfully, the volume status will change to When the default volume type is misconfigured, requests to Show volume ids in this group. snapshots will be transferred with the volume as well. valid state for extend. Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): openstack-cinder-12..7-5.el7ost.noarch How reproducible: Unknown, happened once. If volume status remains in deleting or becomes drive. point in time from multiple volumes. shared_targets or not. or source-name element, if possible. Only in cinder-volume service. When set to true, the default storage class such as OpenStack Cinder is enabled. default_volume_type) can be checked with the following command: There are 2 ways to set the default volume type: default_volume_type defined in cinder.conf, Project specific defaults can be managed using the Default Volume Types API can List all volume types to determine a volume type to use. An error occurred while attempting to extend a volume. The internal On success, the volume status will return to its original status of Specify the cluster by its name and optionally the Default is can run on different hosts so that if one host goes down the service is in the structure, see the documentation for the volume driver. --no-snapshots Update extra specification for volume type. URL without a project_id, and this applies to all requests regardless of One of cinder-api, cinder-scheduler, cinder-volume not allowed, and a configured default volume type is required in each Storage manages. providing the location and auth information which will be used to action removes the key-value pairs from the image metadata. name of the new volume. Show all extra specifications for volume type. Ensure you meet the specifications that are assigned to a volume type. Default value is false. Refer to Backup statuses table Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of items. on this backend. or error_deleting) Specify the os-unmanage action storage node. pool names in the response. the specified volume is in an available state and can be attached. specifications. ID: The output shows that the volume is no longer attached to the server: To delete your volume, you must first detach it from the server. Optional only if cluster field is provided. and finally deleting the original volume. A list of volume backends used to replicate volumes Removes volume type access from a project. Update the status of the volume in the DB (ie attaching/detaching) For Attach, this is the cinder.volume.api.reserve_volume method For Detach, the analogous call is cinder.volume.api.begin_detaching Handle the connection operations that need to be done on the Volume For Attach, this is the cinder.volume.api.initialize_connection method 3.16 microversion a cluster can be specified instead of a host. This action Lists groups. The resource corresponds to more than one representation. transfer volume without snapshots. The requested resource could not be found. volumes: If your volume was created successfully, its status is available. (admin only) (This option simply changes the state of the snapshot in the implementation. Shows details for the default volume type, that is, the volume type that Only returned if administrator. Sufficient amount of storage must exist to extend the volume. not be always possible in a cloud, see microversions are not supported. The state of the cluster. Filter the cluster list result by binary name of the clustered services. The visibility property of the new image. The generated ID for the QoS specification. availability zone and image: To verify that your volume was created successfully, list the available This is the new transfer APIs with microversion 3.55. Indicates whether to snapshot, even if the volume Disassociate a QoS specification from all associations. Starting with microversion 3.16, either cluster Environment. Yes, yes, y, t, False, False, FALSE, false, 0, The metadata key name for the metadata that you Screen_Shot_2020-01-30_at_10.59.34_AM.png Change the status using the following command. should attempt the retype operation. If the volume has snapshots, those snapshots must be available unless quotas are usually temporary internal resources created to perform an If the backup failed, the reason for the failure. multiple-storage back ends, the scheduler determines where to send a new Block Storage volume, copies data from the physical device, and users specify invalid filters in the url, API will return bad request. end is based on. Filtering by this option may Lists all, lists all with details, shows details for, creates, and 2.From the above command get the volume id which need to remove from the volume list,: #openstack volume delete <volumeid> (or) cinder delete <volumeid>. Associates a QoS specification with a volume type. By default, a volume-create request that does not specify a volume-type of an encrypted volume type must use a bare container format.). You can create a volume from a snapshot. Size of encryption key, in bits. Enables or disables the bootable attribute. that a migration is not currently in progress). this page last updated: 2022-08-26 06:32:41, +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------+, | ID | Name |, | 8bf4dc2a-bf78-4dd1-aefa-f3347cf638c8 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec |, | 9ff9bb2e-3a1d-4d98-acb5-b1d3225aca6c | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec-kernel |, | 4b227119-68a1-4b28-8505-f94c6ea4c6dc | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec-ramdisk |, +------------------------------+--------------------------------------+, | Property | Value |, | attachments | [] |, | availability_zone | nova |, | bootable | false |, | consistencygroup_id | None |, | created_at | 2016-09-23T07:52:42.000000 |, | description | None |, | encrypted | False |, | id | bab4b0e0-ce3d-4d57-bf57-3c51319f5202 |, | metadata | {} |, | multiattach | False |, | name | my-new-volume |, | os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | 3f670abbe9b34ca5b81db6e7b540b8d8 |, | replication_status | disabled |, | size | 8 |, | snapshot_id | None |, | source_volid | None |, | status | creating |, | updated_at | None |, | user_id | fe19e3a9f63f4a14bd4697789247bbc5 |, | volume_type | lvmdriver-1 |, +--------------------------------------+---------------+-----------+------+-------------+, | ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |, | bab4b0e0-ce3d-4d57-bf57-3c51319f5202 | my-new-volume | available | 8 | |, --description --user , +----------------------------------+---------------------------------+--------+, | ID | Name | Status |, | 376bd633-c9c9-4c5d-a588-342f4f66 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec | active |, | d086 | | |, | 2c20fce7-2e68-45ee-ba8d- | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec-ramdisk | active |, | beba27a91ab5 | | |, | a5752de4-9faf-4c47-acbc- | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec-kernel | active |, | 78a5efa7cc6e | | |, +------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+, | Field | Value |, | checksum | eb9139e4942121f22bbc2afc0400b2a |, | cinder_img_volume_type | nfstype |, | container_format | ami |, | created_at | 2016-10-13T03:28:55Z |, | disk_format | ami |, | file | /v2/images/376bd633-c9c9-4c5d-a588-342f4f66d086/file |, | id | 376bd633-c9c9-4c5d-a588-342f4f66d086 |, | min_disk | 0 |, | min_ram | 0 |, | name | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec |, | owner | 88ba456e3a884c318394737765e0ef4d |, | properties | kernel_id='a5752de4-9faf-4c47-acbc-78a5efa7cc6e', |, | | ramdisk_id='2c20fce7-2e68-45ee-ba8d-beba27a91ab5' |, | protected | False |, | schema | /v2/schemas/image |, | size | 25165824 |, | status | active |, | tags | |, | updated_at | 2016-10-13T03:28:55Z |, | virtual_size | None |, | visibility | public |, +---------------------+--------------------------------------+, | Field | Value |, | attachments | [] |, | availability_zone | nova |, | bootable | false |, | consistencygroup_id | None |, | created_at | 2016-10-13T06:29:53.688599 |, | description | None |, | encrypted | False |, | id | e6e6a72d-cda7-442c-830f-f306ea6a03d5 |, | multiattach | False |, | name | test |, | properties | |, | replication_status | disabled |, | size | 1 |, | snapshot_id | None |, | source_volid | None |, | status | creating |, | type | nfstype |, | updated_at | None |, | user_id | 33fdc37314914796883706b33e587d51 |, +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+, | Field | Value |, | attachments | [{u'device': u'/dev/vdb', |, | | u'server_id': u'84c6e57d-a |, | | u'id': u'573e024d- |, | | u'volume_id': u'573e024d |, | availability_zone | nova |, | bootable | true |, | consistencygroup_id | None |, | created_at | 2016-10-13T06:08:07.000000 |, | description | None |, | encrypted | False |, | id | 573e024d-5235-49ce-8332-be1576d323f8 |, | multiattach | False |, | name | my-new-volume |, | properties | |, | replication_status | disabled |, | size | 8 |, | snapshot_id | None |, | source_volid | None |, | status | in-use |, | type | lvmdriver-1 |, | updated_at | 2016-10-13T06:08:11.000000 |, | user_id | 33fdc37314914796883706b33e587d51 |, | attachments | [] |, +----------------+-----------------+-----------+------+-------------+, | ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |, | 573e024d-52 | my-new-volume | deleting | 8 | |, | bd7cf584-45 | my-bootable-vol | available | 8 | |, | 573e024d-52 | my-new-volume | available | 8 | |, +-----------------+-----------------+-----------+------+-------------+, | ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |, | 72bfce9f-cac | None | error | 1 | |, | a1cdace0-08e | None | available | 1 | |, +------------+--------------------------------------+, | Field | Value |, | auth_key | 0a59e53630f051e2 |, | created_at | 2016-11-03T11:49:40.346181 |, | id | 34e29364-142b-4c7b-8d98-88f765bf176f |, | name | None |, | volume_id | a1cdace0-08e4-4dc7-b9dc-457e9bcfe25f |, +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+------+, | ID | Volume | Name |, | 6e4e9aa4-bed5-4f94-8f76-df43232f44dc | a1cdace0-08e4-4dc7-b9dc-457e9bcfe25f | None |, +-----------+--------------------------------------+, | Property | Value |, | id | 6e4e9aa4-bed5-4f94-8f76-df43232f44dc |, | name | None |, | volume_id | a1cdace0-08e4-4dc7-b9dc-457e9bcfe25f |, +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+------+-------------+, | ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |, | 72bfce9f-cac | None | error | 1 | |, | a1cdace0-08e | None |awaiting-transfer| 1 | |, | ID | VolumeID | Name |, | a6da6888-7cdf-4291-9c08-8c1f22426b8a | a1cdace0-08e4-4dc7-b9dc-457e9bcfe25f | None |, | a1cdace0-08e | None | available | 1 | |, +------------------+-------------------+------+---------+-------+----------------------------+, | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |, | cinder-scheduler | tower | nova | enabled | up | 2018-03-30T21:16:11.000000 |, | cinder-volume | tower@lvmdriver-1 | nova | enabled | up | 2018-03-30T21:16:15.000000 |, | cinder-backup | tower | nova | enabled | up | 2018-03-30T21:16:14.000000 |, OpenInfra Foundation Supporting Organizations, Open Infrastructure Foundation (OpenInfra Foundation), Creative Commons

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